Upgrading from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0

Upgrade composer.json

In your composer.json file, upgrade the version of netgen/content-browser package to ~0.8.0 and run the composer update command.

Breaking changes

The following breaking changes were made in version 0.8 of Content Browser. Follow the instructions to upgrade your code to this newer version.

  • sections config has been removed from configuration of item types since overriding sections has never been properly implemented. Remove the section from your own item type definitions.

  • The concept of item serializer handlers is removed. Previously, they were used to specify how certain data will be serialized for an item. One method that the Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\Serializer\ItemSerializerHandlerInterface provided has been moved to Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface, so you need to move your implementation there:

    // Before
    namespace AppBundle\ContentBrowser\Item\Serializer\Handler;
    use Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface;
    use Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\Serializer\ItemSerializerHandlerInterface;
    class MyItemSerializerHandler implements ItemSerializerHandlerInterface
         * Returns if the item is selectable.
         * @param \Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface $item
         * @return bool
        public function isSelectable(ItemInterface $item)
            // Determine if the item is selectable
    // After
    namespace AppBundle\ContentBrowser\Item\MyItem;
    use Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface;
    class Item implements ItemInterface
         * Returns if the item is selectable.
         * @return bool
        public function isSelectable()
            // Determine if the item is selectable
  • The concept of item template value providers is removed. Previously, they were used to provide the variables that will be used by the templates to render the item preview and columns. Now, one single variable called item is injected to all Twig templates. This variable holds the actual item which is rendered, which means that your Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface objects need to provide everything that will be used to render the templates.

    // Before
    namespace AppBundle\ContentBrowser\Item\Renderer\TemplateValueProvider;
    use Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface;
    use Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\Renderer\TemplateValueProviderInterface;
    class MyItemTemplateValueProvider implements TemplateValueProviderInterface
         * Provides the values for template rendering.
         * @param \Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface $item
         * @return array
        public function getValues(ItemInterface $item)
            $thingOne = ...;
            $thingTwo = ...;
            return array(
                'thingOne' => $thingOne,
                'thingTwo' => $thingTwo,
    // After
    namespace AppBundle\ContentBrowser\Item\MyItem;
    use Netgen\ContentBrowser\Item\ItemInterface;
    class Item implements ItemInterface
         * Returns thing one.
         * @return mixed
        public function getThingOne()
            return ...;
         * Returns thing two.
         * @return mixed
        public function getThingTwo()
            return ...;

    In your templates, instead of directly using variables thingOne and thingTwo, you will now use item.thingOne and item.thingTwo.