
Netgen Layouts dispatches some events in a lifecycle of displaying the page with a resolved layout that you can listen to and act upon.

The following lists all available events.


Event class: Netgen\BlockManager\Event\CollectViewParametersEvent

This event will be dispatched when the view of a value is being built. It can be used to inject custom variables into the view before the view is built.

For example, you can use the following to inject a variable into the block view:

public function onBuildView(CollectViewParametersEvent $event)
    $view = $event->getView();
    if (!$view instanceof BlockViewInterface) {
        // Do nothing if the view does not belong to a block

    if ($view->getContext() !== 'default') {
        // Do nothing if the view context is not for the frontend

    $event->addParameter('the_answer', 42);


Event class: Netgen\BlockManager\Event\CollectViewParametersEvent

This event will be dispatched when the view of a value is being rendered. It can be used to inject custom variables into the view before the view is sent to Twig for rendering.

The example for injecting a variable into the view is the same as with build_view event.


Event class: Netgen\Bundle\BlockManagerAdminBundle\Event\AdminMatchEvent

This event will be dispatched when the request is matched as being a Netgen Layouts admin interface request. It is usually used if you want to override the pagelayout of Netgen Layouts admin interface for integrating it in other admin panels.