
This function is used to render a single result after running a collection.

In addition to the result you’re rendering, you need to provide either the fallback view type (used if no view type overrides on slot or item level are set) or the override view type (used to override the view type of the result unconditionally):

{{ nglayouts_render_result(result, null, 'fallback_type') }}

This will render the provided result with the view type set either on item or slot level. If none of those view types are set, fallback_type will be used to render the result.

{{ nglayouts_render_result(result, 'override_type') }}

This will render the provided result with the override_type view type, ignoring the view type set on item or slot level.

You can transfer a list of custom parameters to the function, which will be injected as variables into the result template:

{# block.html.twig #}

{{ nglayouts_render_result(result, null, 'overlay', {'the_answer': 42}) }}

{# item.html.twig #}

{{ the_answer }}


Normally, parameters provided here are not transferred to content views in eZ Platform, but only to the item template, which in case of eZ Platform is only a proxy to eZ content view layer. However, you can use a special parameter called ezparams whose contents will be transferred. For example:

{# block.html.twig #}

{{ nglayouts_render_result(result, null, 'overlay', {'ezparams': {'the_answer': 42}}) }}

{# overlay.html.twig from eZ Platform #}

{{ the_answer }}

Finally, you can render the result with a view context different from the current one:

{{ nglayouts_render_result(result, null, 'overlay', {}, 'my_context') }}