Configuration reference

Layout type configuration

The following lists all available layout type configuration options:

        # Layout type identifier
            # The switch to enable or disable showing of the layout type in the interface
            enabled: true

            # Layout type name, required
            name: 'My layout'

            # The full path to layout icon
            icon: '/path/to/icon/my_layout.svg'

            # A collection of zones available in the layout type, required
                # Zone identifier
                    # Zone name, required
                    name: 'Left'

                    # List of block definitions which are allowed in the zone
                    allowed_block_definitions: []
                    name: 'Right'
                    allowed_block_definitions: [title]

Block definition configuration

The following lists all available block definition configuration options:

        # Block definition identifier
            # The switch to enable or disable showing of all block types
            # related to block definition in the interface
            enabled: true

            # Identifier of a handler which the block definition will use.
            # The value used here needs to be the same as the identifier
            # specified in handler tag in Symfony DIC.
            # If undefined, the handler with the same identifier as the
            # block definition itself will be used.
            handler: ~

            # Block definition name, required
            name: 'My block'

            # The full path to block definition icon
            icon: '/path/to/icon/my_block.svg'

            # Specifies if the block will be translatable once created
            translatable: false

            # The list of collections the block has. Only one collection named
            # "default" is supported for now. Omit the config to disable the collection.

                    # The list of valid items for the collection. Use null to
                    # allow all items, an empty array to disable adding manual
                    # items, and a list of items to limit the collection to
                    # to only those items.
                    valid_item_types: null

                    # The list of valid query types for the collection. Use null to
                    # allow all query types, an empty array to disable dynamic collections,
                    # and a list of query types to limit the collection to
                    # only those query types.
                    valid_query_types: null

            # This controls which forms will be available to the block.
            # You can either enable the full form, or content and design forms.
            # If full form is enabled, all block options in the right sidebar
            # in the layout editing app will be shown at once, otherwise,
            # Content and Design tabs will be created in the right sidebar
                    enabled: true
                    type: Netgen\Layouts\Block\Form\FullEditType
                    enabled: false
                    type: Netgen\Layouts\Block\Form\DesignEditType
                    enabled: false
                    type: Netgen\Layouts\Block\Form\ContentEditType

            # The list of all view types in a block definition, required

                # View type identifier
                    # Switch to control if the view type is shown in the interface or not
                    enabled: true

                    # View type name, required
                    name: 'My view type'

                    # The list of allowed item view types for this block view type

                        # Item view type identifier
                            # Switch to control if the item view type is shown in the interface or not
                            enabled: true

                            # Item view type name, required
                            name: 'My item view type'

                    # Use this configuration to control which block parameters will be displayed
                    # when editing a block in specified view type. Use null to display all
                    # parameters, an empty array to hide all parameters and a list of parameter
                    # names to list specific parameters to show. You can also prefix the parameter
                    # with exclamation mark to exclude it.
                    valid_parameters: null

Block type and block type group configuration

The following lists all available block type and block type group configuration options:

        # Block type identifier
            # The switch to enable or disable showing the block type in the interface
            enabled: true

            # Block type name, if undefined, will use the name of a block definition
            # with the same identifier as the block type itself.
            name: ~

            # The full path to block type icon
            icon: '/path/to/icon/my_block_type.svg'

            # Block definition identifier of the block type, if undefined, will use the
            # block definition with the same identifier as the block type itself.
            definition_identifier: ~

            # Default values for the block

                # Default name (label) of the block
                name: ''

                # Default view type of the block. If empty, will use the first available view type.
                view_type: ''

                # Default item view type of items inside the block. If empty, will use the first
                # available item view type in regards to chosen block view type.
                item_view_type: ''

                # Default values for block parameters
                    param1: value1
                    param2: value2


        # Block type group identifier

            # The switch to enable or disable showing the block type group in the interface
            enabled: true

            # Block type group name, required
            name: 'My group'

            # List of block types to show inside the group
            block_types: [my_type_1, my_type_2]

Query type configuration

The following lists all available query type configuration options:

        # Query type identifier
            # The switch to enable or disable showing of the query type in the interface
            enabled: true

            # Identifier of a handler which the query type will use.
            # The value used here needs to be the same as the identifier
            # specified in handler tag in Symfony DIC.
            # If undefined, the handler with the same identifier as the
            # query type itself will be used.
            handler: ~

            # Query type name, required
            name: 'My query type'

Value type configuration

The following lists all available value type configuration options:

    # The list of value types available to build items from
        # Value type identifier
            # Value type name, required
            name: 'My value type'

            # The switch to enable or disable showing the value type in the interface
            enabled: true

            # The switch to enable or disable support for manual items. If disabled,
            # the system will not require for you to implement Content Browser support
            # for manually selecting items
            manual_items: true

View configuration

The complete configuration reference for the view layer is documented in a dedicated chapter.

Design configuration

The following lists all available design configuration options:

    # The list of all designs available in the system
        # Key is the design identifier, while value is the list of all
        # themes available for the design. Note that ``standard`` theme
        # is automatically included as a fallback and there's no need to
        # specify it
        my_design: [theme1, theme2]

    # Specifies which design, from the list of configured designs, is currently active
    design: my_design


In eZ Platform integration, currently active design is siteaccess aware, meaning, you can use configuration similar to this:

            design: my_design
            design: my_other_design

Administration interface configuration

The following lists all available configuration options for Netgen Layouts admin interface:

        # The list of JavaScript files which will be injected into admin interface
            - /path/to/script1.js
            - /path/to/script2.js

        # The list of stylesheets which will be injected into admin interface
            - /path/to/style1.css
            - /path/to/style2.css

Layout editing app interface configuration

The following lists all available configuration options for Netgen Layouts layout editing interface:

        # The list of JavaScript files which will be injected into layout editing interface
            - /path/to/script1.js
            - /path/to/script2.js

        # The list of stylesheets which will be injected into layout editing interface
            - /path/to/style1.css
            - /path/to/style2.css

Other configuration

The following lists assorted configuration options that do not fit in other categories:

    # This flag activates debug mode in Netgen Layouts. This flag is primarily used
    # for development of Netgen Layouts themselves and is not useful in project context
    # and should be kept disabled
    debug: false

    # This configures the main pagelayout of your app which resolved layout templates
    # will extend and which will be used as a fallback if no layout is resolved
    pagelayout: '@App/my_pagelayout.html.twig'

    # Generic configuration used for specifying various API keys for 3rd party services.
    # Currently used only internally, and cannot be extended.
        # API key used for displaying a Google Maps map inside the Maps block
        google_maps: 'foo'