Install on a new Sylius project

Netgen provides an uptodate installation of Sylius with Netgen Layouts pre-installed. The installation is based on Sylius Standard Edition, ready to be used as a base for your new project.

This installation can later be used to upgrade to future versions of Sylius by following official upgrade instructions.

Create a database

Create a database for your project with:

CREATE DATABASE sylius_dev CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;

Use Composer

Install Composer and execute the following from a directory of your choice:

$ composer create-project netgen/layouts-sylius-site my_project
$ cd my_project

Create a .env.local file in the project root directory to specify database connection details:


Finally, run the Sylius install wizard:

$ php bin/console sylius:install
$ yarn install
$ yarn build

Import Netgen Layouts database tables

Run the following command from the project root to import Netgen Layouts database tables:

$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --configuration=vendor/netgen/layouts-core/migrations/doctrine.yaml


If you are using Doctrine Migrations for other parts of your app and generate a new migration with doctrine:migrations:diff console command, the generated migration will now include SQL commands that drop Netgen Layouts tables. To prevent this from happening, you can add the following config to your Doctrine configuration (if you already have schema_filter config, update it accordingly):

        schema_filter: ~^(?!nglayouts_)~

Start the app

You can use the web server included with Symfony CLI to serve the app:

$ symfony server:ca:install # For HTTPS support, only needs to be ran once
$ symfony server:start

After that, open in your browser to run the app.

What next?

Read up on how to achieve various developer tasks in Netgen Layouts by visiting the Cookbook docs section.