Upgrading from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0

Upgrade composer.json

In your composer.json file, upgrade the version of netgen/layouts-core package and all other related packages (like netgen/layouts-standard, netgen/layouts-ezplatform and others) to ~1.2.0 and run the composer update command.

Database migration

Run the following command from the root of your installation to execute migration to version 1.2 of Netgen Layouts (if you’re using Doctrine Migrations v3):

$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --configuration=vendor/netgen/layouts-core/migrations/doctrine.yaml

or in case of Doctrine Migrations v2:

$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --configuration=vendor/netgen/layouts-core/migrations/doctrine2.yaml


If the above commands fail with errors about unrecognized configuration keys, you most probably ran the command for the wrong version of Doctrine Migrations. In that case, just try running the other one to migrate correctly.

Upgrading Netgen Content Browser

Netgen Content Browser version 1.2 was also automatically installed. Be sure to read its upgrade instructions too.

eZ Platform integration upgrade notes

eZ Platform integration of Layouts (netgen/layouts-ezplatform package) introduced some routes in the patch version of 1.1 (1.1.4, to be exact). If you’re missing those routes (named netgen_layouts_ezplatform) in your main routing files, add the following route config:

    resource: "@NetgenLayoutsEzPlatformBundle/Resources/config/routing.yaml"

Netgen Layouts Enterprise upgrade notes


This section is only relevant if you use Netgen Layouts Enterprise.

Since Netgen Layouts Enterprise 1.2, the code switched from BitBucket to GitHub. Usually, there will be no issues when upgrading Netgen Layouts Enterprise to 1.2, but in case any issues arise related to non-existing files/versions when upgrading, they can be fixed by removing the composer.lock file and vendor/netgen/ folder and running composer update again.


Major features

  • Enabled export of mappings (in open source version) and roles and policies (in Enterprise version)

  • Enabled import of all supported entities (mappings, layouts, roles, policies) through admin interface

  • Import procedure can now overwrite or skip existing entities, in addition to creating a new copy of the entity. Entities are considered same if they have the same UUID.

Other changes

  • Minimum supported PHP version is now 7.3

  • Minimum supported version of eZ kernel is now 7.5.7 (and with it, eZ Platform HTTP Cache Bundle 1.0)

  • Block plugin interface method Netgen\Layouts\Block\BlockDefinition\Handler\PluginInterface::getExtendedHandlers changed the return type hint from array to a backwards compatible iterable type (array type is a subtype of iterable) in order to allow usage of yield keyword in the method implementations. E.g. you can now write the method like this:

    public static function getExtendedHandlers(): iterable
        yield MyBlockHandler::class;
        yield MyOtherBlockHandler::class;

    If you don’t need yield, there’s nothing for you to do, however, if you wish to use yield in the method, or just for consistency sake, you can update your block plugins to use the iterable return typehint.


  • LayoutsService::hasStatus method has been deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. Use LayoutsService::layoutExists method instead.

  • Not implementing TargetTypeInterface::export and TargetTypeInterface::import methods is deprecated and they will be added to TargetTypeInterface in 2.0. Implement these methods in your target types or make them extend Netgen\Layouts\Layout\Resolver\TargetType abstract class to remove the deprecation.

    The purpose of these methods is to provide an alternate value for your targets when exporting/importing them. E.g. you can provide some form of a remote ID instead of an autoincremented database ID usually stored in a target.

  • Not implementing ConditionTypeInterface::export and ConditionTypeInterface::import methods is deprecated and they will be added to ConditionTypeInterface in 2.0. Implement these methods in your condition types or make them extend Netgen\Layouts\Layout\Resolver\ConditionType abstract class to remove the deprecation.

    The purpose of these methods is to provide an alternate value for your conditions when exporting/importing them. E.g. you can provide some form of a remote ID instead of an autoincremented database ID usually stored in a condition.

  • From eZ Platform kernel 7.5.7 onwards, you can use ContentTypeIdentifier criterion without making sure that the content type identifiers exist, while previously in order to avoid exceptions, you would have to use ContentTypeId criterion.

    Consequently, if you created custom eZ Platform query types and used ContentTypeFilterTrait helper trait available in Netgen Layouts, there is no more need to provide content type handler to the trait. The corresponding method (setContentTypeHandler) and property ($this->contentTypeHandler) will be removed in 2.0. Related method ContentTypeFilterTrait::getContentTypeIds will also be removed. Migrate your query types to use ContentTypeIdentifier criterion instead of using ContentTypeId criterion.

Breaking changes

There were no breaking changes in 1.2 version of Netgen Layouts.