
Site API comes with its own set of entities and values. These are similar, but still different from their counterparts in Ibexa CMS Repository API. Main benefits they provide over them are:

  • Content is available in a single translation, this voids the need for various helper services
  • Additional properties otherwise available only through separate entities (like ContentType identifier, FieldType identifier and others)
  • Additional properties and methods that enable simple traversal and filtering of the content model (relations, parent, siblings, children)


Note that content traversal that is achievable through the objects is not complete. It aims to cover only the most common use cases. For more complex use cases Query Types should be used.


In Twig templates methods beginning with get and is are also available with that prefix removed. Also, parentheses can be omitted if there are no required arguments.

For example, method field.isEmpty() is also available as field.empty() or just field.empty, and method content.getLocations() is available as content.locations() or just content.locations.

Content on this page:


Content represents a Content item in the Ibexa CMS Repository.

The first difference from Repository Content is that it exist it a single translation only, meaning it contains the fields for only one translation. That will always be the translation to be rendered on the siteaccess. You won’t need to choose the field in the correct translation, manually or through some kind of helper service. The Content’s single translation is always the correct one.

Content fields are lazy-loaded, which means they are initially not loaded, but will be transparently loaded at the point you access them. This voids the need to have separate, lightweight version of Content (ContentInfo plays this role in Repository API). It also provides you with some additional properties and methods.

Example usage from Twig:

<h1>{{ content.name }}</h1>
<h2>Parent name: {{ content.mainLocation.parent.content.name }}</h2>
<h3>Number of Locations: {{ content.locations|length }}</h3>

{% for field in content.fields %}
    {% if not field.empty %}
        {{ ng_render_field(field) }}
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}



Check if Content has a Field with the given $identifier.

Parameters string $identifier
Returns bool
Example in PHP
if ($content->hasField('title')) {
    // ...
Example in Twig
{% if content.hasField('title') %}
{% endif %}


Get the Field with the given $identifier.


This method can return null if Field with the given $identifier doesn’t exist.

Parameters string $identifier
Returns Field instance or null
Example in PHP
$field = $content->getField('title');
Example in Twig
{% set field = content.field('title') %}


Check if Content has a Field with the given $id.

Parameters int|string $id
Returns bool
Example in PHP
Example in Twig
{{ content.hasFieldById(42) }}


Get the Field with the given $id.


This method can return null if Field with the given $id doesn’t exist.

Parameters string $id
Returns Field instance or null
Example in PHP
$field = $content->getFieldById(42);
Example in Twig
{% set field = content.fieldById(42) %}


Get the value of the Field with the given $identifier.


This method can return null if Field with the given $identifier doesn’t exist.


Returned value object depends of the FieldType. Best way to learn about the specific value format is reading the official FieldType reference documentation, or looking directly at code (for example the code of TextLine Value).

Parameters string $identifier
Returns Value instance of the Field or null
Example in PHP
$value = $content->getFieldValue('title');
Example in Twig
{% set value = content.fieldValue('title') %}


Get the value of the Field with the given $id.


This method can return null if Field with the given $id doesn’t exist.

Parameters string $id
Returns Value instance of the Field or null
Example in PHP
$value = $content->getFieldValueById(42);
Example in Twig
{% set value = content.fieldValueById(42) %}


Used to get Content’s Locations, limited by the $limit. Locations will be sorted their path string (a string with materialized IDs, e.g. /1/2/45/67/).

Parameters int $limit = 25
Returns An array of Content’s Locations
Sorting method Location’s path string (e.g. /1/2/45/67/)
Example in PHP
$locations = $content->locations(10);
Example in Twig
{% set locations = content.locations %}


List a slice of Content’s Locations, by the $maxPerPage and $currentPage. Locations will be sorted their path string (a string with materialized IDs, e.g. /1/2/45/67/).

  1. int $maxPerPage = 25
  2. int $currentPage = 1
Returns Pagerfanta instance with a slice of Content’s Locations
Sorting method Location’s path string (e.g. /1/2/45/67/)
Example in PHP
$locations = $content->filterLocations(10, 2);
Example in Twig
{% set locations = content.filterLocations(10, 2) %}


Used to get a single field relation Content from the Field with the given $identifier.

Parameters string $identifier
Returns Related Content or null if the relation does not exist
Example in PHP
$relation = $content->getFieldRelation('author');
Example in Twig
{% set relation = content.fieldRelation('author') %}


Used to get $limit field relation Content items from the Field with the given $identifier. Relations will be sorted as is defined by the relation field.

  1. string $identifier
  2. int $limit = 25
Returns An array of related Content items
Sorting method Sorted as is defined by the relation Field
Example in PHP
$relations = $content->getFieldRelations('images', 10);
Example in Twig
{% set relations = content.fieldRelations('images') %}


Used to filter field relation Content items from the Field with the given $identifier.

  1. string $identifier
  2. array $contentTypeIdentifiers = []
  3. int $maxPerPage = 25
  4. int $currentPage = 1
Returns Pagerfanta instance with related Content items
Example in PHP
$relations = $content->filterFieldRelations(
    ['images', 'videos'],
Example in Twig
{% set relations = content.filterFieldRelations(
    ['images', 'videos']
) %}


Used to get a single field relation Location from the Field with the given $identifier.

Parameters string $identifier
Returns Related Location or null if the relation does not exist
Example in PHP
$relation = $content->getFieldRelationLocation('author');
Example in Twig
{% set relation = content.fieldRelationLocation('author') %}


Used to get $limit field relation Locations from the Field with the given $identifier. Relations will be sorted as is defined by the relation field.

  1. string $identifier
  2. int $limit = 25
Returns An array of related Location items
Sorting method Sorted as is defined by the relation Field
Example in PHP
$relations = $content->getFieldRelationLocations('images', 10);
Example in Twig
{% set relations = content.fieldRelationLocations('images') %}


Used to filter field relation Locations from the Field with the given $identifier.

  1. string $identifier
  2. array $contentTypeIdentifiers = []
  3. int $maxPerPage = 25
  4. int $currentPage = 1
Returns Pagerfanta instance with related Location items
Example in PHP
$relations = $content->filterFieldRelationLocations(
    ['images', 'videos'],
Example in Twig
{% set relations = content.filterFieldRelationLocations(
    ['images', 'videos']
) %}


Return absolute URL path of Content’s main Location.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value /netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$absolutePath = $content->getPath();
$absolutePath = $content->getPath([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set absolute_path = content.path() %}
{% set absolute_path = content.path({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Return absolute URL of Content’s main Location.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value https://netgen.io/netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$absoluteUrl = $content->getUrl();
$absoluteUrl = $content->getUrl([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set absolute_url = content.url() %}
{% set absolute_url = content.url({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Name Type Description
$id string|int ID
$mainLocationId string|int|null Optional main Location ID
$name string Name
$languageCode string Translation language code
$isVisible bool
Indicates that the Content is visible
You can use this property to check if the
Content should be visible on the frontend
$contentInfo ContentInfo ContentInfo object
$fields Field[]
An array of Field instances, which can be accessed
in two different ways:
{% set field = content.fields.title %}
{% set field = content.fields['title'] %}
$mainLocation Location Optional Location object
$owner Content Optional owner user’s Content object
$innerOwnerUser User Optional owner user’s Repository User object
$modifier Content Optional modifier user’s Content object
$innerModifierUser User Optional modifier user’s Repository User object
$path Path Content’s Path object
$url Url Content’s URL object


Site ContentInfo object is similar to the Repository ContentInfo, additionally providing access to


Name Type Description
$id string|int ID of the Content
$contentTypeId string|int ID of the ContentType
$sectionId string|int ID of the Section
$currentVersionNo int Current version number
$published bool Indicates that the Content is published
$isHidden bool Indicates that the Content is hidden
$isVisible bool
Indicates that the Content is visible
You can use this property to check if the
Content should be visible on the frontend
$ownerId string|int ID of the owner user Content
$modificationDate \DateTime
Modification date
$publishedDate \DateTime Publication date
$alwaysAvailable bool
Indicates that the Content is always available in its
main translation
$remoteId string Remote ID of the Content
$mainLanguageCode string Main translation language code
$mainLocationId string|int ID of the main Location
$name string Content’s name
$languageCode string Language code of Content’s translation
$contentTypeIdentifier string Identifier of the Content Type
$contentTypeName string Name of the Content Type
$contentTypeDescription string Description of the Content Type
$mainLocation Location Content’s main Location object


Site Field object is similar to the Repository Field, additionally providing access to the field’s Content and properties that are otherwise available only through the corresponding FieldDefinition object: name, description and FieldType identifier.



Checks if the field’s value is empty.

Parameters None
Returns bool
Example in PHP
if ($content->getField('title')->isEmpty()) {
    // ...
Example in Twig
{% if content.fields.title.empty %}
{% endif %}


Checks if the field is of ngsurrogate type, returned when nonexistent field is requested from Content.

Parameters None
Returns bool
Example in PHP
if ($content->getField('title')->isSurrogate()) {
    // ...
Example in Twig
{% if content.fields.title.surrogate %}
{% endif %}


Name Type Description
$id string|int ID of the Field
$fieldDefIdentifier string Identifier (FieldDefinition identifier, e.g. title)
$value Value object Value object
$languageCode string Translation language code
$fieldTypeIdentifier string FieldType identifier (e.g. ezstring)
$name string Name of the Field
$description string Description of the Field
$content Content Content object


Site Location object is similar to the Repository Location, additionally providing methods and properties that enable simple traversal and filtering of the Location tree (siblings, children, parent, ancestors etc).



List children Locations.

Children will be sorted as is defined by their parent Location, which is the Location the method is called on. The single optional parameter of this method is $limit, which limits the number of children returned and defaults to 25.

Parameters string $limit = 25
Returns An array of first $limit children Locations
Sorting method As is defined by the Location
Example in PHP
$children = $location->getChildren(10);
Example in Twig
{% set children = location.children(10) %}


Get the first child of the Location.

First child will be returned from children sorted as is defined by their parent Location, which is the Location the method is called on. The single optional parameter of this method is $contentTypeIdentifier, which returned Location must match.

Parameters ?string $contentTypeIdentifier = null
Returns First child Location or null if there are no children Locations
Sorting method As is defined by the Location
Example in PHP
$firstChild = $location->getFirstChild('article');
Example in Twig
{% set first_child = location.firstChild('article') %}


Filter and paginate children Locations.

This enables filtering of the children by their ContentType with $contentTypeIdentifiers parameter and pagination using $maxPerPage and $currentPage parameters. The method returns a Pagerfanta instance.

  1. array $contentTypeIdentifiers = []
  2. int $maxPerPage = 25
  3. int $currentPage = 1
Returns Pagerfanta instance with a slice of children Locations
Sorting method As is defined by the Location
Example in PHP
$children = $location->filterChildren(['articles'], 10, 2);
Example in Twig
{% set relation = location.filterChildren(
) %}


List sibling Locations.

Siblings will be sorted as is defined by their parent Location, which is the parent Location of the Location the method is called on. The single optional parameter of this method is $limit, which limits the number of siblings returned and defaults to 25.

Parameters string $limit = 25
Returns An array of first $limit sibling Locations
Sorting method As is defined by the parent Location
Example in PHP
$siblings = $location->getSiblings(10);
Example in Twig
{% set siblings = location.siblings(10) %}


Filter and paginate sibling Locations.

This enables filtering of the siblings by their ContentType with $contentTypeIdentifiers parameter and pagination using $maxPerPage and $currentPage parameters. The method returns a Pagerfanta instance.

  1. array $contentTypeIdentifiers = []
  2. int $maxPerPage = 25
  3. int $currentPage = 1
Returns Pagerfanta instance with a slice of filtered sibling Locations
Sorting method As is defined by the parent Location
Example in PHP
$siblings = $location->filterSiblings(['articles'], 10, 2);
Example in Twig
{% set siblings = location.filterSiblings(
) %}


Return SortClause objects built from Locations’ sort options.

In difference to the sort clauses returned by the Repository Location, ContentName sort clause from Search Extra will be used, working on the translated Content name with both Legacy and Solr search engines.

Parameters None
Returns An array of SortClause instances
Sorting method As is defined by the parent Location
Example in PHP
$sortClauses = $location->getSortClauses();
Example in Twig
{% set sort_clauses = location.sortClauses() %}


Return Location’s absolute URL path.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value /netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$absolutePath = $location->getPath();
$absolutePath = $location->getPath([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set absolute_path = location.path() %}
{% set absolute_path = location.path({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Return Location’s absolute URL.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value https://netgen.io/netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$absoluteUrl = $location->getUrl();
$absoluteUrl = $location->getUrl([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set absolute_url = location.url() %}
{% set absolute_url = location.url({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Name Type Description
$id string|int ID of the Location
$status int Constant defining status (published or draft)
$priority int Priority
$hidden bool
Indicates that the Location is hidden (explicitly or
hidden by its Content)
$invisible bool
Indicates that the Location is not visible, being either
marked as hidden itself, or implicitly hidden by
its Content or an ancestor Location
$explicitlyHidden bool
Indicates that the Location has been
explicitly marked as hidden
$isVisible bool
Indicates that the Location is visible (not hidden itself,
by its Content or by an ancestor Location)
You can use this property to check if the
Location should be visible on the frontend
$remoteId string Remote ID
$parentLocationId string|int Parent Location ID
$pathString string Path with materialized IDs (/1/2/42/56/)
$path int[] An array with materialized IDs ([1, 2, 42, 56])
$depth int Depth in the Location tree
$sortField int Constant defining field for sorting children Locations
$sortOrder int Constant defining sort order for children Locations
$contentId string|int ID of the Content
$contentInfo ContentInfo ContentInfo object
$parent Location Parent Location object (lazy loaded)
$content Content Content object (lazy loaded)
$path Path Location’s Path object
$url Url Location’s URL object


Site Path represents Content or Location URL path.


Path object can be casted to string, in which case it will return the absolute URL path.



Return absolute URL path.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value /netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$absolutePath = (string) $content->path;
$absolutePath = $content->path->getAbsolute();
$absolutePath = $content->path->getAbsolute([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'

$absolutePath = (string) $location->path;
$absolutePath = $location->path->getAbsolute();
$absolutePath = $location->path->getAbsolute([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set absolute_path = content.path %}
{% set absolute_path = content.path.absolute %}
{% set absolute_path = content.path.absolute({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}

{% set absolute_path = location.path %}
{% set absolute_path = location.path.absolute %}
{% set absolute_path = location.path.absolute({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Return absolute URL path.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value //netgen.io/netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$networkPath = $content->path->getNetwork();
$networkPath = $content->path->getNetwork([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'

$networkPath = $location->path->getNetwork();
$networkPath = $location->path->getNetwork([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set network_path = content.path.network %}
{% set network_path = content.path.network({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}

{% set network_path = location.path.network %}
{% set network_path = location.path.network({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Return absolute URL path.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value ../netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$relativePath = $content->path->getRelative();
$relativePath = $content->path->getRelative([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'

$relativePath = $location->path->getRelative();
$relativePath = $location->path->getRelative([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set relative_path = content.path.relative %}
{% set relative_path = content.path.relative({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}

{% set relative_path = location.path.relative %}
{% set relative_path = location.path.relative({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Site Path has no publicly accessible properties.


Site Url represents Content or Location URL.


Url object can be casted to string, in which case it will return the absolute URL.



Return absolute URL.

Parameters array $parameters = []
Returns string
Example return value https://netgen.io/netgen-stack-for-ibexa-ez-platform
Example in PHP
$absoluteUrl = (string) $content->url;
$absoluteUrl = $content->url->get();
$absoluteUrl = $content->url->get([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'

$absoluteUrl = (string) $location->url;
$absoluteUrl = $location->url->get();
$absoluteUrl = $location->url->get([
    'siteaccess' => 'admin',
    'page' => 1,
    '_fragment' => 'frag'
Example in Twig
{% set absolute_url = content.url %}
{% set absolute_url = content.url({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}

{% set absolute_url = location.url %}
{% set absolute_url = location.url({
    siteaccess: 'admin',
    page: 1,
    _fragment: 'frag'
}) %}


Site Path has no publicly accessible properties.