
This function is used to generate an URL to an item from your CMS.


To be able to generate the URL, you need to implement an instance of Netgen\BlockManager\Item\ValueUrlGeneratorInterface for your item.

To generate the URL, you can simply call the function with the item in question:

<a href="{{ ngbm_item_path(item) }}">{{ }}</a>

If you do not have access to the item object, you can generate the URL with ID and value type of the item:

<a href="{{ ngbm_item_path(42, 'ezlocation') }}">{{ 'My item' }}</a>

Alternatively, you can use a special format used by Netgen Layouts in the form of an URI scheme value_type://value:

<a href="{{ ngbm_item_path('ezlocation://42') }}">{{ 'My item' }}</a>