Upgrading from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0

Upgrade composer.json

In your composer.json file, upgrade the version of netgen/block-manager package to ~0.8.0 and run the composer update command.


If you have Netgen Layouts installed on eZ Platform, the package name will be netgen/block-manager-ezpublish.


Integrations into Netgen Admin UI and eZ Platform UI also have separate packages whose versions need to be bumped to ~0.8.0.

Activate required bundles

Version 0.8 requires FOS HTTP Cache Bundle to be activated, so if not already present, activate FOS\HttpCacheBundle\FOSHttpCacheBundle in your kernel.

Database migration

Run the following command from the root of your installation to execute migration to version 0.8 of Netgen Layouts:

$ php app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --configuration=vendor/netgen/block-manager/migrations/doctrine.yml

Upgrading Netgen Content Browser

Netgen Content Browser version 0.8 was also automatically installed. Be sure to read its upgrade instructions too, to make sure you custom code keeps working.

Updates to Varnish VCL

To enable caching and later cache clearing of block and layout HTTP caches, you will need to use Varnish. To make the cache clearing work, you need to modify your Varnish VCL and add the following rules somewhere in your vcl_recv function. If you’re using eZ Platform and the VCL supplied by it, the best place to put this is in ez_purge function (which is called from vcl_recv), right after if (req.http.X-Location-Id) { ... } block.

For Varnish 3:

if (req.http.X-Layout-Id) {
    ban( "obj.http.X-Layout-Id ~ " + req.http.X-Layout-Id);
    if (client.ip ~ debuggers) {
        set req.http.X-Debug = "Ban done for layout with ID " + req.http.X-Layout-Id;
    error 200 "Banned";

if (req.http.X-Block-Id) {
    ban( "obj.http.X-Block-Id ~ " + req.http.X-Block-Id);
    if (client.ip ~ debuggers) {
        set req.http.X-Debug = "Ban done for block with ID " + req.http.X-Block-Id;
    error 200 "Banned";

For Varnish 4 and later:

if (req.http.X-Layout-Id) {
    ban("obj.http.X-Layout-Id ~ " + req.http.X-Layout-Id);
    if (client.ip ~ debuggers) {
        set req.http.X-Debug = "Ban done for layout with ID " + req.http.X-Layout-Id;
    return (synth(200, "Banned"));

if (req.http.X-Block-Id) {
    ban("obj.http.X-Block-Id ~ " + req.http.X-Block-Id);
    if (client.ip ~ debuggers) {
        set req.http.X-Debug = "Ban done for block with ID " + req.http.X-Block-Id;
    return (synth(200, "Banned"));

Breaking changes

The following breaking changes were made in version 0.8 of Netgen Layouts. Follow the instructions to upgrade your code to this newer version.

  • Some classes and interfaces had their namespaces changed. Update your custom code working with these classes and interfaces. The following table lists the old and the new interface and class names:

    Old FQCN New FQCN
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\Block Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Block\Block
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\Placeholder Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Block\Placeholder
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\CollectionReference Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Block\CollectionReference
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\BlockCreateStruct Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Block\BlockCreateStruct
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\BlockUpdateStruct Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Block\BlockUpdateStruct
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\Layout Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Layout\Layout
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\Zone Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Layout\Zone
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\LayoutCreateStruct Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Layout\LayoutCreateStruct
    Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Page\LayoutUpdateStruct Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Layout\LayoutUpdateStruct

    Notable change is the Block interface since it’s used in Netgen\BlockManager\Block\BlockDefinition\BlockDefinitionHandlerInterface::getDynamicParameters. method. You will need to modify your custom block definition handlers to use the new interface.

  • In Netgen\BlockManager\Block\BlockDefinition\BlockDefinitionHandlerInterface::getDynamicParameters method, a second, unused, parameter called $parameters was removed from the interface. Remove it from your custom block definition handlers.

  • A new method called isContextual was added to Netgen\BlockManager\Collection\QueryType\QueryTypeHandlerInterface interface. The purpose of this method is to signal to the system when the query acts as a contextual query, i.e., if it depends on data from current request to run. You need to add this method to your custom query type handlers.

    The following is the method signature as well as an example implementation:

     * Returns if the provided query is dependent on a context, i.e. current request.
     * @param \Netgen\BlockManager\API\Values\Collection\Query $query
     * @return bool
    public function isContextual(Query $query);
    public function isContextual(Query $query)
        return $query->getParameter('use_current_location')->getValue() === true;
  • BlockDefinitionHandlerInterface::hasCollection method has been removed. From now on, specifying that the block has a collection is done through configuration. The following shows the old and new way of specifying that the block has a collection:

    // Old way
    namespace MyApp\Block\BlockDefinition\Handler;
    use Netgen\BlockManager\Block\BlockDefinition\BlockDefinitionHandler;
    class MyBlockHandler extends BlockDefinitionHandler
         * Returns if this block definition should have a collection.
         * @return bool
        public function hasCollection()
            return true;
    # New way
                collections: ~
  • Netgen\BlockManager\Layout\Resolver\TargetTypeInterface::provideValue method has a changed signature. From now on, Symfony Request object is provided as a parameter to the method, so there’s no need to manually fetch the current request from the request stack. The new interface looks like this:

     * Provides the value for the target to be used in matching process.
     * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
     * @return mixed
    public function provideValue(Request $request);
  • Netgen\BlockManager\Layout\Resolver\ConditionTypeInterface::matches method has a changed signature. From now on, Symfony Request object is provided as a first parameter to the method, so there’s no need to manually fetch the current request from the request stack. The new interface looks like this:

     * Returns if this request matches the provided value.
     * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
     * @param mixed $value
     * @return bool
    public function matches(Request $request, $value);
  • Netgen\BlockManager\Traits\RequestStackAwareTrait trait has been removed. Inject the request stack service directly into the constructor.

  • If using Netgen Layouts with eZ Publish 5, instead of redefining the alias for the content provider service, you now have to redefine the alias for newly introduced content extractor service.

    # Before
        alias: netgen_block_manager.ezpublish.content_provider.ez5_request
    # After
        alias: netgen_block_manager.ezpublish.content_extractor.ez5_request
  • netgen_block_manager.google_maps_api_key configuration was renamed to netgen_block_manager.api_keys.google_maps. The following shows an example of the old and new configs:

    # Old config
        google_maps_api_key: MY_API_KEY
    # New config
            google_maps: MY_API_KEY
  • standard item view type is always added to all view types automatically. However, this was not true for view types that specified custom item view types. You had to specify standard item view type manually if you wanted to use it. From now on, standard item view type will be added in those cases too. If you wish to disable it, you can do so like this:

                                enabled: false
  • User policies are introduced. To be able to manage user policies in legacy administration interface of eZ Publish, you need to activate the provided nglayouts legacy extension. If you’re using eZ Platform UI, policy management is available automatically.

  • Custom items can now be added to blocks manually, instead of just being able to return them from query types. Make sure to implement the Netgen\BlockManager\Item\ValueLoaderInterface for your custom items, as well as Content Browser backend, and then activate the value type in configuration:

                    name: 'My value type'