

Since all frontend templates for layouts use nglayouts.layout variable to access the layout instead of the default layout variable, this function cannot be used by default to render the layouts in the frontend (i.e. in default view context). Instead, it is available for usage in Netgen Layouts administration interface and for rendering the layout with custom view contexts.

This function is used to render a layout:

{{ nglayouts_render_layout(layout) }}

This will render the provided layout in the view context of the template from which you called the function or in the default view context if the calling template is not rendered by the Netgen Layouts view layer.

You can transfer a list of custom parameters to the function, which will be injected as variables into the layout template:

{# my.html.twig #}

{{ nglayouts_render_layout(layout, {'the_answer': 42}) }}

{# layout.html.twig #}

{{ the_answer }}

Finally, you can render the layout with a view context different from the current one:

{{ nglayouts_render_layout(layout, {}, 'my_context') }}