Upgrading from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0

Upgrade composer.json

In your composer.json file, upgrade the version of netgen/layouts-core package and all other related packages (like netgen/layouts-standard, netgen/layouts-ibexa and others) to ~1.4.0 and run the composer update command.

Upgrading Netgen Content Browser

Netgen Content Browser version 1.4 was also automatically installed. Be sure to read its upgrade instructions too.

Upgrading your templates

1.4 version of Netgen Layouts added an advanced layout preview. With it, you can add (removing is not yet possible) and manipulate blocks directly from the preview interface.

To support this, some of your Twig templates need to be updated.

Updating your pagelayout

Somewhere in your main page layout, you will need to add the following to your head element:


    {{ nglayouts_template_plugin('preview.javascripts') }}


Before the end of your body element, add the following:


    {{ nglayouts_template_plugin('preview.body') }}

Updating your base frontend block template

If you have overridden base frontend block.html.twig template from Netgen Layouts in your own project, you will also need to add some markup related to preview to your override. An example diff can be found on GitHub.


Major features

  • Added block manipulation features to layout preview (available only in Enterprise version)

  • Added support for components in Ibexa CMS integration. Components are special blocks that act as a 1:1 proxy to an Ibexa content. Components use view types defined in attached content as opposed to statically defined list of view types in Netgen Layouts config.

Other changes

  • Added full support for PHP 8.1

  • Added PHP 8.x attributes for simplified registering of Symfony services for various extension points

  • Dropped support for PHP 8.0


  • Base template for all admin block templates @NetgenLayoutsAdmin/app/block/block.html.twig is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0. Use @nglayouts_admin/app/block/block.html.twig instead.

  • ValueUrlGeneratorInterface::generate method is deprecated and is replaced by two new methods in newly added interface ExtendedValueUrlGeneratorInterface: generateDefaultUrl and generateAdminUrl. These two methods generate item paths for frontend and backend, respectively. Implement the new interface in your value URL generators and call the generateDefaultUrl in your generate method to migrate. Note that the ExtendedValueUrlGeneratorInterface interface is immediately deprecated and will be merged into ValueUrlGeneratorInterface interface and removed in 2.0.

  • While not strictly a deprecation but related to the point above, nglayouts_item_path Twig function now receives a second argument with two possible values: default (this value being the default one) and admin in order to specify which URL you wish to generate. Update your calls to nglayouts_item_path Twig function as needed to make sure the correct URL is generated for your items.

Breaking changes

There were no breaking changes in 1.4 version of Netgen Layouts.